Jonathan Seales

Half Shells


There's a local restaurant near my house that I love. Joe's Crab Shack?

Hah. No match for this little slice of heaven. Half Shells is a little seafood

restaurant in the Shops of Legacy in Dallas, that could do with an

update, considering it's surrounded by upscale restaurants. 



In a place of upscale restaurants, the old shell logo seemed a little out of place. The atmosphere was not silly as the old logo connoted—which was more reminiscent of bad clipart—instead of reflecting the higher class and finer taste the restaurant actually caters too. To reflect this, I redrafted the logo, keeping the iconic shell, but rooting it in realism, and creating a distinct font that was bold, but had interest in the letters, with a single splash of color, blue.

New logo w/ details.

New glass signage for outside of Half Shells.

Menu design.