Jonathan Seales

Garrison Brothers


Garrison Brothers Handcrafted Bourbon is sold exclusively

in Texas (where I'm from), and have an almost cult-like

following. GB's bourbon is so popular that they actually run

out of bottles by the end of the year. The insight was to

play up this rush and demand for the bourbon in a

campaign that played to the brand's Western feel. 

*Copy written by me

Branding Redesign. Logo, bottle and tags.

Branding Redesign. Logo, bottle and tags.

To generate buzz and keep the "limited" time theme, in-store displays would change during the year to signal the decreasing batches of Garrison Brother's being made. At the end, a black curtain would be placed over where they usually sell Garrison Brother's, signaling it is gone.

Re-designed website with an interactive, shareable experience, where users post stories of the crazy things they've done to get their hands on Garrison Brother's Bourbon. Stories would be filtered and then featured on the site. Best voted stories would receive the first bottles of the new year batch.

In addition to the changing in-store display, the bottles would have tags that change over the course of the year to signal how many batches are left.

Interactive billboards would be placed outside liquor stores in Texas, that would react when a person approached them. It would start by saying 'STOP', before rolling into copy. Then there would be a little button the person could press to see what other stores sell Garrison Brother's in the nearby vicinity. This would only be placed outside stores near the end of the year, when stock is running low. The counter of how many people saw the ad would gradually increase based on how many times the ad played itself.